Friday, June 8, 2012

Apparatchiks, Hypocrites, And Meatheads Of The Day (6-7-2012)


1)  I confess I put Howard Dean in this department because he is a meathead in my book and he gets on my nerves. He is also one of Obama’s apparatchiks.


  1.  Howard Dean- Walker’s win is the ‘beginning of the undermining of American democracy’


2)  The word for Pelosi today is hypocrite. Jesus warn us about people like her. She is still preaching Obamacare also.


  1. Pelosi On Contraception Mandate- “I Do My Religion On Sundays, In Church”…
  2. Pelosi: Obamacare Like The Declaration of Independence, It Represents “Life, Liberty And The Pursuit of Happiness”…


3)  Yeap, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is still saying meathead stuff but we know she always does.


  1. Wasserman Schultz Says Wisconsin Voters Don’t Like Walker’s “Extremist Policies” But Voted To Keep Him In Office Because It Was a Recall Election…


4)  We couldn’t forget our irritating meathead, Alan Grayson. He is spewing false statements to Al Sharpton no less.


  1. Caveman-Like Former Dem Rep. Alan Grayson Claims “Not A Single Job Created By Private Sector” Since Bush Tax Cuts 11 Years Ago…

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