Monday, May 21, 2012

Why Wright Matters- Obama's On A Mission From God By Tom Rowan


I am going to put my two cents in. I believe Romney shouldn’t dismiss Reverend Wright. Reverend Wright represents part who Obama is today. A radical. A person who thinks America should be Damn.


Why Wright Matters- Obama's on a Mission from God by Tom Rowan over at American Thinker


When Elwood retrieved his brother Jake from Joliet prison, the two went on a pilgrimage to their childhood Catholic orphanage. Their pitiful orphanage was under siege from Chicago's infamously oppressive tax regime and was being put out of business. For inspiration, the brothers were directed to a Chicago Baptist church. The church was filled with laughter and love, song and dance, and miraculous divine inspiration that set the Blues Brothers on their own mission with a purpose: keep hope alive for Chicago orphans by paying off the corrupt Chicago regime.


The movie rendition of an all-black Baptist church led by the charismatic James Brown preacher, thrilling his flock with high-spirited love and devotion, is what gave The Blues Brothers soul. This was what America imagined successful, loving black churches in Chicago looked like. No wonder, then, that Reverend Wright's scream for God to damn America is so jarring even to this day.


Reverend Wright's sentiment and his rants do not belong in any American church. Getting people high on hating America and its so-called white oppressors is what carnival barkers like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson do for a living. Most Americans still find it hard to reconcile the rage and the hate being preached at our president's old house of worship. Christians get high on love, not hate. Christians are encouraged to be forgiving, not condemning. Christians seek to spread the good news and Christ's commandment that "[y]ou shall love your neighbor as yourself." The hate and seeds of division being spouted at the president's church are an assault on Jesus Christ, and everyone knows it.


So is Mitt Romney right? Should we dismiss Jeremiah Wright as just another phony street agitator like Sharpton and Jackson? Do we need this distraction from the economic ruin Obama has wrought? As an exercise in academic free thought, I think we do.


Black Liberation Theology is a phony cult concocted by Marxists to divide America along racial lines on the American continents. It explains how Hugo Chávez came to power. This toxic Marxist theology helps explain Obama's destructive presidency. It explains why racial division is being stoked by Obama's White House and his legions in the media. Obama is a true believer in the idea that "rich white people" are to blame for the poor living standards of black Chicago orphans. To wit: blacks and minorities are victims of an unjust system that rewards the few at the expense of the many. Our system is inherently unfair, and Obama inherited an unjust system. And Obama seeks to fundamentally transform that system -- "the man," the free market, and the powers of each uniquely individual American. To Obama, a true believer, all the world's ills can be laid at the feet of America's enlightened Western free-enterprise economic system.


Obama's false religion explains why he seems to have a chip on his shoulder about the country he is supposed to serve. It explains the truly queer Reverend Wright quotation which Obama says inspired him to write Dreams from My Father: "White folks' greed runs a world in need." Obama claims that it was this hateful sermon that brought tears to his eyes. And it is no wonder Obama has a dim view of white people in power; he was and is surrounded by dishonest, power-grabbing white liberals from the corrupt Chicago Democrat Party.


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