Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (5-22-2012)



  1. Whispering the Truth in Obama's America

  2. Barack Obama's 15 Minutes of Fame

  3. Will Obama dump Biden-

  4. Obama- AWOL as always when a crisis approaches

  5. Civil Rights Make no Appearance in Obama NATO Afghanistan Address

  6. Obama Administration Fast Tracks Renewables, Slows Oil and Gas

  7. President Obama gay marriage is not a black thing!

  8. The real reason Obama won’t get re-elected

  9. Chart of the Day- Obama Campaign Donations

  10. Obama Campaign Denies Pressuring Booker To Make 'Hostage Video'

  11. Obama Admin Tells High Schools to Push Affordable Care Act

  12. Bain Attacks Backfire- Obama Camp in 'Full Damage Control Mode'

  13. Visitor Logs Show Obama's 'No Lobbyists' Campaign Promise Completely Broken

  14. Obama Camp Worries Over Arkansas Democratic Primary Race

  15. Obama Quits Afghanistan – Ignores American Military Leadership

  16. Why Obama Isn’t Dumping Biden

  17. Bain Attacks Get More Awkward for Obama

  18. Obama tops $1 billion in career political contributions

  19. Obama’s Bain Capital mutiny

  20. Obama and allies seek to intimidate executives, says Chamber

  21. Obama Money Edge Competes With Republican Cash ‘Tsunami’

  22. whoring the Presidency-

  23. Obama Bundler’s Husband Awarded Over $1 Billion in DOE Guaranteed Loans

  24. How God-Awful… Obama Preaches Socialist BS to Graduating Students in Joplin

  25. Prez Pantywaist….At It Again!

  26. 2004 Headline- Kenyan-born Obama Set for US Senate

  27. I don't know if Obama is blind, uninformed or a demagogue

  28. Creating A Passionate Work Culture


  30. If You Are a “Young And American” Brain-Dead Obamabot Team Obama Will Give You A Free Bumper Sticker…

  31. Obama. . . Uh . .You Know. . . Uh. . . Uh. . .Quote Of The Day…

  32. Obama So Starved For Attention He Booked Himself on Jimmy Fallon Show…

  33. How bad is Obama’s record on job creation?




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