Friday, May 11, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (5-10-2012)



  1. Michael Savage- Obama's lies about Islam deadly

  2. Obama officially endorses 'gay' marriage

  3. Obama's plan to destroy the republic

  4. Obama declares support for gay marriage, but suddenly embraces federalism

  5. The Real News Today- Obama Was Always for Faux Marriage

  6. Hate Group Associations Disqualify Obama

  7. The Evidence- Obama Is Undermining U.S. Troops in Afghanistan to Put the Taliban in Power

  8. Gay Marriage is Obama’s Poison Pill

  9. Obama: Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines Are 'Fighting on My Behalf'

  10. Hypocrisy: President Obama says military fighting on his behalf. Vows to block GOP attempts to partially reduce military budget cuts.

  11. Flashback 2004: Senate Candidate Barack Obama claimed, “My religious faith dictates marriage is between a man and a woman, gay marriage is not a civil right.”

  12. Obama: 'Same-Sex Marriage Should Be Legal,' States Should Decide

  13. Obama threatens to veto DOJ budget because it blocks Fast and Furious gun control law

  14. Obama’s New Courting of Hollywood Pays Off

  15. the squatters in the White House

  16. Barack Obama: “Those Soldiers or Airmen or Marines or Sailors Are Fighting on MY Behalf” (Video)

  17. Obama won’t show us any legislation on gay marriage:

    (still gay Democrats are giddy about his words on gay marriage)

  18. Log Cabin rebukes Obama on gay marriage statement

  19. Obama: Profile in Courage…. or Cowardice?

  20. The Arrogant POTUS

  21. New Obama Video Slams Romney As “Backwards” On Gay Marriage…

  22. Flashback: Obama Says “My Fundraising Capacity Is Higher” Because I Am a “Celebrity”…

  23. Obama Dings Biden For Getting “Out a Little Over His Skis” And Forcing Him To Take Stand On Gay Marriage…

  24. National Crisis! Obama Won’t Vacation With Fellow One-Percenters On Martha’s Vineyard This Year…

  25. Day After Obama Flips His Life-Long Deeply Held Opposition to Gay Marriage, He Accuses Mitt of Having an “Etch-a-Sketch Moment”

  26. Obama Says He Will Veto Any GOP Attempt To Spare The U.S. Military From Being Gutted By Budget Cuts…

  27. Obama On Being a “Practicing” Christian: The “Golden Rule” Trumps The Bible When It Comes To Gay Marriage…

  28. Obama: Mooch Influenced My Gay Marriage Decision…

  29. Obama on the Down Low




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