Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On May 8, 2012


  1. Obama's Conn. Social Security Number hits Rush

  2. Isaiah 9-10 'most important discovery of decade'

  3. Vatican to U.N.- Respect homeschooling

  4. Tea-party reawakening with call for huge rally

  5. 'Forward!' with Obama, Axelrod, Jarret and Frank Marshall Davis

  6. Today's Blood Boiler- $400 Purse Holding $800 Cash, Plus Food Stamp Cards Goes Missing

  7. Newly elected French President François Hollande prepares to surrender in Afghanistan

  8. Desperation: George Soros and big liberals preparing to pump Obama's re-election up with $100 million in cash

  9. Van Jones: Don't Ever Let Somebody Like Me in the White House

  10. Leftist Group Finds Occupy's Lack of Diversity Disturbing  d'oh

  11. Massive Vote Fraud Exposé Set To Rock Washington

  12. Stone-Cold-Busted Of The Day

  13. That-Ain’t-Right Of The Day

  14. Boneheads Of The Day

  15. Of the people, for the people, by the people

  16. stop Obama in November, or be resigned to a dictatorship

  17. The horror! Neo-Nazis on the rise in Greece!

  18. Welfare beneficiary contraception outrage

  19. I've never been on the pill

  20. Is it really over for Europe-

  21. Lawmakers Blast Vanderbilt University For Its Assault on Christian Groups

  22. Un-elect The Marxist

  23. Other People’s Money

  24. Big Primary Day In Wisconsin

  25. Daily Read – May 8

  26. FYI

  27. Real house prices will take 90 years to reach the peak absent another housing bubble

  28. IS GOD REALLY in control-

  29. 13 Years ago Today - First Day of 24/7 IHOP Kansas City....there at birth

  30. Paul Keith and Wanda Davis- Flourishing During Days of Darkness

  31. Jamal Badawi- Enduring Link to ISNA's Radical Past

  32. A complaint

  33. Release of Weights

  34. Tea Party Fights for Conservatism in Indiana

  35. The Tea Party is Out There Working

  36. Indiana primary results // Update: NBC calls race for Mourdock

  37. See ya Sen. Lugar!

  38. House Democrats: Self-Defense is BAD!

  39. Are Rich Libs Paying THEIR Fair Share?

  40. When Liberal Feminists talk about a woman’s “right to choose”, what they really mean is a right to kill her baby in the womb

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