Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On May 7, 2012


  1. Kids raped, sodomized on Facebook pages

  2. Meteorologist- Gore going insane with 'bullsh—'

  3. Pro-Islamic Bias in Wikipedia

  4. Muslim Brotherhood Wants to Re-Elect Barack Hussein Obama

  5. It's nice to be a Democrat and get away with uttering racist comments

  6. Joe Biden signals change in same sex marriage stance-

  7. 110 members of the 'Religion of Peace' arrested in Germany after rioting over a cartoon

  8. Video Of The Day

  9. WTF? Of The Day, Part 2

  10. What Happened In Vegas…

  11. Eric Holder’s Hypocrisy

  12. Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

  13. Fred On Everything-

  14. Currently reading

  15. Just say Om- Catholic disaster in Wellington

  16. Lib High School Principal Fired For Creating Phony Facebook Page to Spy on Kids

  17. Horror! WND Uncovers Child Sex Ring on Facebook

  18. Vatican: Supporters of Euthanasia and Abortion Use Same Arguments as the Nazis

  19. Why do some refuse to acknowledge Sarah Palin’s accomplishments?

  20. Daily Read – May 7

  21. Adventure….Ol’ Broad Style

  22. Top Obama Campaign Bundler Has Long History of Radical Anti-Israel Rhetoric, Accused IDF of “War Crimes” And Massacring Children…

  23. AFL-CIO Union Chief Richard Trumka: I’ve Talked With Obama About Plans For Second Term Agenda…

  24. Why I Cried at Church Yesterday

  25. Blazingcatfur gets results: Centre For Israel & Jewish Affairs Denounces Anti-Semitic Madrassah Operating In Toronto District School Board High School

  26. An open memo about interfaith dialogue...So Sorry Soharwardy

  27. Video: US hostage Warren Weinstein sends a message to Obama in al Qaeda video

  28. Bridge Bomber's Name Appears on Occupy Cleveland Building Lease, Occupiers Mad at FBI Instead

  29. Wicked Racist claims: "There is no Muslim country in the world without a harrowing tale of minority persecution"

  30. German Authorities Cower Before Muslim Threats: Ban Mohammed Cartoons

  31. The French give you one more reason to hate them - Socialist Hollande To Become Next President

  32. Elizabeth Warren Launches New Career As Product Spokesmodel For Land-O-Lakes Butter

  33. Unmasking criminals

  34. A New and Living Way

  35. Joe Biden May Be putting Your Children at Risk

  36. Eat More Liberals

  37. Ron Jeremy Is This Man’s Pope

  38. Spray You Way To Drunk Texting!

  39. Peas Are People, Too

  40. Obama’s Julia is a far cry from what Helen Reddy sang about in 1971. ~Doug Giles

  41. Navy SEAL hands Obama his arse

  42. Brought back bad memories

  43. Dick Lugar jumps the social security scare tactic shark

  44. No longer feeling sorry for Dick Lugar

  45. Hey brother, can you spare a bumper sticker-

  46. James O’Keefe subpoenaed by NH Attorney General

  47. Attorney at KSM Trial’s Disrespectful Stunt

  48. Democrats really hate that whole freedom of the press thing don’t they?

  49. The truest sign EVAH!

  50. One difference between Bill Clinton and Barack Obama?

  51. Stacy McCain is just misunderstood

  52. #NotGoodEnoughForRomCon

  53. Happy birthday, Peter

  54. Sorry, that well has already run dry  snicker

  55. Forward, leftist soldiers  laughsmiley

  56. "Try to imagine Dwight Eisenhower talking about D-Day..."

  57. WHITE HOUSE INSIDER Bin Laden Story Given Further Support via Military General

  58. Tuesday- one of the busiest elections days of 2012

  59. Is it Offend a Feminist Week already?

  60. Why does that hot dog lady wanna grab my wiener? !

  61. I made some new friends: Police investigating Islamic school over curriculum comparing Jews to Nazis


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