Sunday, May 20, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On May 19, 2012


  1. Arpaio- Appears Hawaii 'hiding' Obama birth record

  2. Call for crackdown on black-on-white terror 

  3. Romney Is Wrong on Wright

  4. Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No 'Fact Checking Error'

  5. Obama's Kenyan birth claim- The Kgosie Matthews factor

  6. WI Gov. Walker's recall opponent disses Police to meet with union supporters

  7. Farrakhan, Rev Wright Share IDENTICAL Stories About Obama- He Used Us, Disowned Us

  8. Wright- Obama Was 'Steeped in Islam'

  9. Romney- Obama Engaged in Character Assassination

  10. Fag Or Gag-

  11. Gore’s Billboard War… kinda

  12. Dershowitz- New evidence suggests Trayvon Martin’s killer acted in self-defense

  13. Conservative groups outspending liberal counterparts 4 to 1 on congressional races 

  14. Bring it on!

  15. It's becoming dangerous to oppose same-sex marriage

  16. Blind Chinese Pro-Life Activist Chen Guangcheng Leaves China for US

  17. Geraldo Rivera: “Trayvon Martin Looks Just Like the People Who Had Been Burglarizing and Victimizing That Neighborhood” (Video)

  18. Karl Rove: “North Carolina and Indiana Are Gone” for Obama… “On June 5th Polling Data Will Show Wisconsin Is Battleground State” (Video)

  19. Jewish Medical Crew Immediately Pummeled By Palestinians After Arriving to Assist Accident Victims

  20. Mayo Clinic Dumps Radical Muslim Doctor for Promoting Female Genital Mutilation (Video)

  21. Daily Read – May 19

  22. More Dumbing Down

  23. Three Chicago Occupiers Arrested On Terror Charges, Making Bombs Ahead Of NATO Protests…

  24. Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Admits Craptastic Economy Killing Them…

  25. Congressional Black Caucus Holds Meeting to Blast Pro-Lifers…

  26. Dershowitz: No Jury Would Convict Zimmerman Of Murder Unless Afraid “New Black Panthers Might Kill Them”…

  27. Mark Levin: “If I Start Up A Website I Want The Name ‘Weasel Zippers’”…

  28. "Righteous" Jew Hatred Linked To Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Association Of Edmonton

  29. Today in nothing to do with Islam: "Over 90 percent of all women of child-bearing age in Egypt have undergone female genital mutilation"

  30. Today in nothing to do with Islam: "Over 90 percent of all women of child-bearing age in Egypt have undergone female genital mutilation"

  31. The Thought Police Reach A New Low In Britain

  32. A Sign and a Wonder

  33. Headlines Premature in Declaring Death of Tea Party

  34. Black Pastors Say President Obama’s ‘Gay Marriage’ Announcement Will Cost Him Black Votes

  35. Speaking Of Soccer…

  36. Hot Ball Girl Nets Her Team A Win

  37. Weekend Caption Contest

  38. Planetary Soldiers

  39. Deb Fischer and Growing Grass

  40. The Trayvon Martin Case Document Dump

  41. Syria’s chickens coming home to roost

  42. Three from F--- the Police march charged with conspiracy to commit terrorism

  43. But if you fire him, who will give you all the free stuff-


  45. Fox News' Michelle Fields!



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