Sunday, May 13, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On May 12, 2012


  1. Democrats revive bill to strip sheriffs of power

  2. 'War' comes to America over religious heritage

  3. Is the Bible socialist manifesto-

  4. Look who's scheming to put unknown in presidential race

  5. Obama's Social Security scandal hits big time

  6. Race-Baiter Of The Day

  7. Asinine- Pentagon commissions study about studies

  8. Good News- Green River Formation contains about 3 trillion barrels of oil

  9. Amusing Tweet- Okay, Biden. Now say something about decriminalizing pot

  10. Follow Up- Bake Sales Saved in Massachusetts

  11. Video Of The Day

  12. Pic Of The Day

  13. Flashback Of The Day

  14. Obama gay marriage endorsement mobilizes Christian conservatives

  15. Obama campaign adds ‘clean coal’ to website after Republican outcry

  16. This Is Not a Joke- Government Issues Study of a Study About Studies

  17. Romney Donor on Obama’s ‘Enemies List’: They’re Stalking My Kids (Video)

  18. Vlad Putin’s Spokesman: “We Should Smash Protesters’ Livers On the Asphalt”

  19. Geraldo on TSA: “I Got Manually Raped By a Guy Who… Was Getting Off On It” (Video)

  20. Russia Foils Islamic Attack on 2014 Winter Olympics

  21. Islamists Torch Christian Home… Shoot Fleeing Family Members Dead

  22. Gay marriage won’t decide the 2012 election . . .

  23. Where real marriages find their support

  24. Barack Hussein Buchanan & The Gay Left

  25. Daily Read – May 12

  26. FYI

  27. Iranian Intelligence Agents Target, Arrest Christian Converts…

  28. Dem Senator Challenges Mooch To a Sack Race For Some Unknown Reason…

  29. House Votes To Prohibit Obama DOJ From Using Funds To Defend Legal Challenges To Obamacare…

  30. A world without Liquid Fuel


  32. THE COMING ELECTION --- Loren Sandford

  33. Muslim Rape, Liberal/Left Complicity

  34. NDP unfriendly to Israel - This is a party sinking deeper into an irrational anti-Zionism

  35. Duck Rape...As if you didn't have enough to worry about already

  36. Moderate Moroccan Muslims Stone, Beat Immodestly Dressed Girl

  37. Germany- Moderate Muslim Attacks Speigel TV Crew

  38. The U.N. Wants to Run the Internet

  39. The Left's Coordinated 'Bullying' Attack on Romney Exposed as 'Unconscionable' Journalism: Progressives Cheer 'Brilliant' Political Strategy of Axelrod and Plouffe

  40. Your Wonderful Counselor

  41. They Must Be Based In Stuttgaaarrt!

  42. Jon Hamm: Not Sexy Enough?

  43. The Prohibition of the Slave Trade v the Abolition of Slavery

  44. Objective Conservative: Fortenberry Sticks Out Neck in Endorsing Fischer

  45. Florida investigation reveals 180,000 non-citizens may be registered to vote

  46. Gov. Scott Walker (R, WI) brings in a budget surplus! #wirecall

  47. Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and its Shameless Cover-Up

  48. Dr Jasser Discusses Best Buy Support of CAIR

  49. To Heaven... and Back

  50. Saturday Night Card Game (Blacklist gets blacklisted)

  51. “In Hol.lywood a hero, In the Heartland a zero”

  52. They say you want an education

  53. Perplexing strategy over at Young Guns Super PAC

  54. Oh shut up, we’ve got a football to spike here

  55. Why didn’t this movement start

  56. Some Saturday night music!

  57. What happens when you cater to barbarians?

  58. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out

  59. So should black eyes be 'redlisted' too-

  60. This is something that the prime minister should raise with the president, if he has the balls

  61. Poll Shocker- 68% of Likely Voters would vote to get rid of the entire Congress

  62. Horrible… Chinese Dissident’s Family Harassed & Beaten, Nephew Arrested (Video)

  63. Pathetic: Over Half of New York’s Congressional Delegation Votes For Amendment To Punish NYPD For Spying On Possible Muslim Terrorists…

  64. Strangely, the declaration “I now pronounce you man and man” not too hot with Dem senators in battleground states

  65. Weekly Hollywood HOs Winner: Cher

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