Sunday, May 13, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine Of The Day (5-12-2012)


  1. Paul Begala's Bully BS

  2. Desperate media are pandering to desperate Obama

  3. Postgate- Washington Post behaving scandalously in wake of Romney hit piece (Updated)

  4. The Decline of The Washington Post

  5. MSNBC Mashup- Bullying Mitt Romney

  6. WaPo Caves- Finally Notes Correction on Romney Hit-Piece

  7. Tamrom Hall Bullies Guest After Cutting His Mic... Over WaPo 'Bully' Story

  8. Washington Post Romney 'Bullying' Profile Contradicted By... Automobile Magazine

  9. NPR Cites Bully Dan Savage in Report on Romney Bullying

  10. WTF- Of The Day 

  11. 2 Days Later… Lib Media Still Carrying Obama’s Water & Pushing Romney Bully Story

  12. Must-See Vid: MSM Journalism 101 — Or how to insist upon your false narrative

  13. What the Mainstream Media Isn’t Reporting About Solyndra

  14. Our Shameless MSM…Carrying Obama’s Water

  15. WaPo’s Lord of the Lies

  16. Faith Comes to the Rescue

  17. What is the difference between Swiss Cheese and the Washington Post 5,000 word hit piece on Mitt Romney?

  18. Bill O’Reilly Blasts WaPo: “If Romney Shaved Barney Frank’s Head, Then You Might Have a Story” (Video)

  19. BBC Thought for the Day: Climate-Change Deniers Are Like Terrorists, Slave Owners, Paedophiles, and Nazis — And They’re All Men!

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