Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Is The Obama Campaign Collapsing And Liberalism With It? By Gary DeMar


Is the Obama Campaign Collapsing and Liberalism With It? by Gary DeMar over at Godfather Politics


Don’t underestimate liberals. They live for politics. It’s their religion. They will lie, cheat, and steal to win an election. Prime evidence of their chicanery is the fact that the voting rolls are bloated with illegal immigrants and dead voters. “There are questions about whether 182,000 registered voters are actually US citizens and the names of more than 50,000 dead people were discovered on Florida’s voter rolls.” Then there is liberal opposition to voter ID laws. I wonder why? I know, so vote early, vote dead or alive, and vote often can become reality.


Even so, there seems to be some cracks in the foundation of liberal unity. Liberals rarely criticize other liberals. This is beginning to change as the following examples show.


Black ministers are speaking out against President Obama’s support of homosexual marriage even though the NAACP has gotten behind the President on the issue. Righteousness is beginning to trump political expediency. Maybe these same Black ministers will come to realize that liberal economic policies have failed as well.


The Catholic Church traditionally lean Democrat. The abortion and contraception dustup is changing some minds. “Warning that ‘fundamental rights hang in the balance,’ 43 Catholic dioceses and apostolate have filed lawsuits arguing that the mandated coverage of contraception in health-care plans is unconstitutional.” This is a good sign.


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