Friday, May 11, 2012

Campaign Tactics And Republican Fears By Alan Caruba


Campaign Tactics and Republican Fears by Alan Caruba over at Canada Free Press

It says a lot about the current state of Democratic Party desperation when James Carville, Clinton’s famed campaign chief, in a recent CNN commentary wrote “You think that Democrats around the country are going to win—as I hear time and time again from people on the street. I ask: What are you smoking? What are you drinking? What are you snorting or just what in hell are you thinking?”


Republicans, too, are worried. It is a common theme among conservatives, the fear that Mitt Romney will commit the same mistake that John McCain did against Obama; the fear that Romney is “too nice.” I say that in a political context, but it is my belief that Romney’s school boy smile hides an iron will.


During the debates he defended himself well enough to earn a vote of confidence from the primary voters, but. in retrospect, he had rather weak competition. From Cain to Perry, Pawlenty to Bachmann, Paul to Santorum, and even Newt Gingrich, the candidates swiftly lost support for a variety of reasons that all come down to the perception that they were not electable.


Now, too, among a wide swath of Republicans there is the common complaint that Romney is a “RINO” (Republican in name only) and they point to his tenure as Governor of


Massachusetts, but they do so without acknowledging that he got his programs passed with a Democrat-controlled legislature in a very blue state. If he went back and forth on a variety of social issues, I am willing to cut him some slack.


At this writing we do not know who Romney’s vice presidential choice will be, but I can guarantee you that it will not be Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, or Condoleeza Rice. A woman on the ticket has been tried and it was no help at all. Sorry ladies. If anything, Palin demonstrated she had more grit than McCain in the last election.


What I want more than anything else from Romney is a thorough-going attack on President Obama’s failures. He has failed to turn the economy around and I would argue it is as bad as it was when he took office. Romney and everyone else know this. Now he has to hammer this home from now to November 6th.


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