Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Jesus Would Not Do What Occupiers Do, Mr. Jackson


Jesus wouldn’t exposed himself to minors like this Occupier did: Another Occupier Exposes Herself (Himself) to Minors


Mr. Jackson, I haven’t read any where in the Bible Jesus exposed himself to minors. Do you still think Jesus would be an Occupier?


Mr. Jackson, Jesus didn’t occupy a corrupt temple. Jesus did occupy an temple to pray during His prayer session. He didn’t stay in the temple continually like the occupiers did in Zuccotti Park. Jesus also prayed outdoors. Jesus did get mad and throw the money-changers from the temple because the money-changers were not suppose to be there. What the occupiers been doing lately is vandalize other people’s property, keeping people from their jobs. As a matter of fact, occupiers have shown disrespect for God’s house and the pastors’ kindness by using the church as a toilet and vandalizing it. Jesus wasn’t vandalizing, pooping and peeing all over the temple floor.


Mr. Jackson, Jesus wasn’t killed because He confronted the money-changers. All though, it was one reason for Jesus being killed . The leaders of the temple went looking for Jesus to find an excuse to do away with Him. They didn’t like the way Jesus challenged their hypocrisy with words. The leaders of temple thought Jesus was doing wrong by doing God’s business even on the Sabbath. Those leaders didn’t like it when they challenged Jesus, Jesus called them on it. Their hearts were cold toward Jesus.


Occupiers are not doing God’s business, Mr. Jackson. As a matter of fact, the majority of the people think of occupiers as ‘Public Nuisance’, criminals, and ‘people that should be in jail’. You insult Jesus by saying he was an occupier. You insult Christians by saying it.

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