Wednesday, April 11, 2012

President Obama Owns Al Sharpton, “Rev.” Wright, The Black Panthers And Their Racist Rant By The Godfather


The Godfather has a real good piece here about Obama. The Godfather makes total sense. Obama owns this racist play.


President Obama Owns Al Sharpton, “Rev.” Wright, the Black Panthers and Their Racist Rant by The Godfather Over at Godfather Politics

The George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin spectacle has done more to set back race relations in the United States than any other event in recent history. It’s been all about race. There’s justice somewhere in all of this, but will it ever be found? That’s the question that needs to be answered. I doubt that it will ever be answered since there is a strategy to keep the pot of racist rhetoric boiling. Victims make for good allies in a political war.


It’s great to see George Zimmerman confronting Attorney General Eric Holder and the so-called Department of Justice on the basis of the law. Only in America can a citizen take on the powers that be. The Constitution codifies that God-given right. We can “petition the government for a redress of grievances,” the First Amendment assures us. Try it in Cuba, Venezuela, China, or North Korea.


Will Holder arrest the Black Panthers who have threatened Zimmerman given the federal government’s definition of a hate crime? The letter Zimmerman’s family sent to Attorney General Eric Holder asks, “why, when the law of the land is crystal clear, is your office not arresting the New Black Panthers for hate crimes?”


The Black Panthers, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the racist lynch mobs belong to the Obama Administration. Not to denounce them is to support them. There’s no neutrality.


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