Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (4-9-2012)



  1. Will Obama condemn this violence-

  2. Obama Will Say and Do Anything

  3. Time to Stop Being Intimidated by the Left

  4. Why the President should be fired

  5. Obama attempting to mend fences with Israel

  6. Socialist Obama Envisions A Socialist America

  7. Obama running for reelection on a “stand pat program”

  8. “tone of homophobia” in Obama’s mockery of Mitt’s making use of word, “marvelous”, to marvel at

  9. Obama Admin Quietly Diverts A Half-Billion Dollars To IRS For Obamacare Enforcement…

  10. Obama Using Department of Justice To Wage War on Pro-Lifers…

  11. Barack Obama, his friends and what they stand for

  12. The Quote of the Decade-

  13. Obama’s war on the Supreme Court is working

  14. New Black Panthers Advocate Violence, Obama Silent

  15. Obama now haunted by his ex-political mentor

  16. Obama feels your gas pain at the pump, still wants higher gas prices

  17. Obama’s Eligibility Officially Challenged In New Jersey

  18. Portrait of a Failed Messiah

  19. President Asshat Diverts $500M To IRS For ObamaCare

  20. Obama in a Nutshell- I Want Your Money, Because I'll Spend It Better and Fairer Than You Will

  21. Obama is Losing His War on the Supreme Court, But Winning His Wars on Women & the Economy

  22. Obama White House Still Refusing To Allow Former Staffer To Testify About Fast and Furious Scandal

  23. Obama- Rude – Won’t Shake Hands – Turns Back – Walks Off

  24. President Barack Obama and the one million dollar pizza party

  25. ABC Poll- Only 28% Approve of Obama’s Handling of Rising Gas Prices…

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