Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (4-10-2012)



  1. Obama's Re-Election- A Stake in the Heart of the American Spirit

  2. Oblivious to the Obvious

  3. How Obama's 'Recovery Act' paid for transferring military technology to Russia

  4. Obama begins his attack – The gullible minions continue drinking the Kool-Aid

  5. Grim Milestone… Gas Prices Soar Under Obama – Worse Than Carter

  6. Obama’s Campaign Strategy- Isolate and Attack “Privileged” Straight White Males

  7. Troubling Numbers for Obama in Poll Skewed Toward Democrats

  8. Obama Continues To Incite Class Warfare- Rich People “Dragging Down The Entire Economy”…

  9. Obama To Deliver Class Warfare Speech Calling For Tax Hikes On Millionaires … Followed By $15,000 Per Head Fundraiser

  10. Obama Heads To Florida For Three Campaign Fundraisers, Schedules “Policy” Event So Taxpayers Pick Up The Tab

  11. President Obama Owns Al Sharpton, “Rev.” Wright, the Black Panthers and Their Racist Rants

  12. When It Comes To Scandals …

  13. New Black Panthers Advocate Violence, Obama Silent

  14. How Does A Piss-Poor President Like Barack Obama Get To 51% In The Polls

  15. Texas engineer, whose wife sent Obama his résumé,

  16. Doesn't He Mean, A Country To Destroy -

  17. Team Obama- The Buffet Rule is key to reducing the deficit, except when it isn’t

  18. Obama Thinks America as Founded is Unfair

  19. Obama Schedule Proves Once Again He’s Not In Charge…

  20. Another Bullsh-t Poll Showing Obama Gaining In Popularity

  21. After calling for Romney to release 23 years of tax records, Team Obama dodges question when ask

  22. Video- Obama says, This is not some socialist dream

  23. Obama’s New Campaign Slogan- “Divide and Rule”



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