Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On April 10, 2012


  1. 10 Infamous Cruise Ship Disasters

  2. Sic 'em, Scalia!

  3. New Black Panthers 'booted, suited, and armed' for coming 'race war'

  4. Green Fail-  Only 35 percent of hybrid car owners bought another one last year

  5. New Study- Obamacare will add $340 billion to the nation’s deficit in the next 10 years

  6. Reverend Wright is back and he is as crazy as ever! (video)

  7. Comedy Gold- Demo female US Senate candidate Lee Whitnum calls Demo Congressman Chris Murphy a 'whore’

  8. Guess who thought a “pay-as-you-go” Social Security system would saddle future generations with

  9. Another Occupier Exposes Herself (Himself) to Minors

  10. Celebs Call for Civil Disobedience Against Rich - Let's Start on a Film Set!

  11. Fund- 'We Need Voter ID Laws Now'

  12. Florida Marlins Manager Guillen Under Fire for Praising Castro

  13. 'Mad Men' Trashes Vietnam Volunteers

  14. Quote Of The Day

  15. Quandry Of The Day

  16. Suck-Up Of The Day

  17. Duh! Of The Day

  18. PC-Or-Stupid Of The Day

  19. Florida Law in re- Zimmerman

  20. Is heterosexual marriage now obscene-

  21. Not just for Catholics-

  22. Parental leave just grows the State

  23. Perfect love is incredible

  24. Flash Mobbery Portland- Black Youths Loot Convenience Store & Attack Clerk (Video)

  25. Bush GSA Director Lurita Doan on Current GSA Spending- “You See Within Obama Administration a Culture of Excess…It’s a Crime”

  26. Sad… Brazilian Socialist President Visits White House & Lectures Obama On Monetary

  27. Rats Jump Ship… Dem Mark Pryor Won’t Campaign for Obama in Arkansas

  28. Marlins Baseball Manager Guillen Suspended After Praising Castro

  29. Out of deference for Santorum’s ailing daughter, Romney to pull negative ads in Pennsylvania

  30. “Back faster than you can say furious” 

  31. Daily Read – April 10

  32. George Zimmerman Family to Holder – New Black Panthers- Why No Arrest- Because They Are Black

  33. The Raptor Grandpa- Hacker @Th3Raptor Takes Down al Qaeda forums-

  34. Carney on Friday’s Disappointing Jobs Report- Better Than Anything Bush Could Do…

  35. George W. Bush Says He Refuses To “Undermine” Obama…

  36. Pant Suits- I Used To Be An “Icon”…

  37. Hollywood Lib George Clooney To Host $40,000-Per-Plate Obama Fundraiser At LA Home…

  38. America’s Debt Is Greater Than Entire Eurozone And U.K. Debt Combined…

  39. Top Obama Adviser David Axelrod- Americans Ready For Tax Hikes…

  40. Food Police Chief Michelle Obama Serves Kids Cheeseburgers, Hot Dogs, French Fries…  d'oh

  41. Florida- White Man Pummeled By Group of Men Who Could Look Like Obama’s Son Yelling “Trayvon”…

  42. Gunfire Hits Sanford Police Car Near Scene Of Trayvon Martin Shooting…

  43. Zimmerman Launches Website For Supporters, Solicits Donations For Legal Defense…

  44. Marion Barry; A Sobering Indicator That Obama Could Be Elected

  45. Because  of the racist fuel fired by the Trayvon Martin Shooting

  46. Jeremy Caris- Secrets to Increase- How to Receive From God

  47. Woodstock- The Old Folks Home For Junkies

  48. Gang Of Obama's Sons Attack White Dude In The Name Of Trayvon

  49. Plans of the Heathen Overthrown!

  50. Morbid People, Dead Ahead!

  51. Caption Contest Winners

  52. Connecticut- Come For The Trails

  53. What's wrong with socialism-


  55. Hey Al, Jesse, are you happy now-

  56. Bad start to Huckabee radio show – 1st caller turns out to be Cumulus exec

  57. Bad psychology is only one click away…

  58. Santorum suspends campaign

  59. Best case scenario

  60. Lugar “effort to demonize his opponent Richard Mourdock”

  61. Has Carbonite accepted responsibility-

  62. Cos and Effect – Bill Hypocritical on Trayvon

  63. Al Sharpton’s RIDICULOUS analysis of O’Keefe’s Eric Holder voting video

  64. Black Male Guns Down “White Hispanic” With Mental Capacity of 12-Year-Old at Taco Bell

  65. Where is the DOJ’s Eric Holder on the New Black Panthers call for Violence-

  66. -AUDIO- Rep. Allen West- New Black Panther Party A Terrorist Organization – Needs To Be Investigated

  67. Drunken Douchebags have Sex On Front Lawn Of Pediatrics Office While Children Watch

  68. Huckabee Show Opens With Staged Caller

  69. New species of RINO discovered

  70. A Warning to the Republican Establishment

  71. What Game Change Could Have Been

  72. Drill Baby, Drill!  NOW!

  73. Leading Vatican Cardinal- It’s a Sin to Cooperate With Obama HHS Mandate

  74. Time for a bit of wisdom from Dennis Prager

  75. Europe is Fighting Back..

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