Thursday, April 12, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine Of The Day (4-11-2012)


  1. MRC Calls Congress To Investigate Comcast/NBC For Journalistic Fraud In Trayvon Martin Reporting

  2. Source- NBC Fires Unnamed News Producer Over Selectively Edited Zimmerman 911 Call

  3. Fox News Hires Supporter of Jeremiah Wright and Derrick Bell

  4. Is the mainstream media chilling out on global warming-

  5. NPR Politicizes Tulsa Shootings; Brands Entire State Racist

  6. Now NPR Joins the 911 Call Fantasists

  7. Scarborough Slams Axelrod, Obama- ‘Same Budget that Got Zero Votes’

  8. Remembering the Rants of MMFA'S MJ Rosenberg

  9. 'WaPo' Blames 'Dirty Harry' for Trayvon Martin Shooting

  10. Media Dishonesty and Race Hustlers

  11. Gawker Has Hired A Mole From Fox News, And They’ve Already Released A Behind-The-Scenes Video With Romney

  12. So, How Long Do You Think Before Fox News Finds Gawker’s Mole-

  13. PBS Anchor Gwen Ifill Inaccurately Describes Zimmerman as ‘White’

  14. NBC, ABC Try And Scare The Bejesus Out Of Viewers- Hype Report Claiming Global Warming Could Kill 10,000 People

  15. AP- Stupid SCOTUS Misunderstood Obamacare

  16. Whoopi Goldberg Tries Out CNN’s New Policy Of Allowing N--ger On The Air… And Gets Bleeped By ABC

  17. WH Propaganda Minister Jay Carney Defends Obama Giving Campaign Speeches At White House…

  18. MSNBC’s Self-Proclaimed Race Expert Touré- Obama Makes White People Violent…

  19. Media Dishonesty and Race Hustlers

  20. Nick Kristof and the New York Times' Ties to Child Sex Trafficking

  21. Reince Priebus gives MSNBC the business over the ‘War on Women.’

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