Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Calling Out The New BlacKKK Panthers By Craig Andresen


Calling Out The New BlacKKK Panthers by Craig Andresen over at The National Patriot

The New BlacKKK Panther Party is the militant arm of the Community Organizer in Chief’s administration. It’s just that simple.


Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are Obama’s liaisons to the New BlacKKK Panther Party.


Karen Bass, Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. , Corrine Brown , G.K. Butterfield , Andre Carson,Donna M. Christensen, Hansen Clark, Yvette D. Clarke , William Lacy Clay, Jr. , Emanuel Cleaver II , James E. Clyburn , John Conyers, Jr. , Elijah E. Cummings , Danny K. Davis , F. Edwards , Keith Ellison , Chaka Fattah , Marcia L. Fudge , Al Green ,Alcee L. Hastings , Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. , Eddie Bernice Johnson , Hank Johnson

Barbara Lee , Sheila Jackson Lee , John Lewis , Gregory W. Meeks ,Gwen Moore , Eleanor Holmes Norton , Donald M. Payne , Charles B. Rangel , Laura Richardson ,Cedric Richmond

Bobby L. Rush , David Scott , Robert C. Scott , Terri A. Sewell, Bennie Thompson , Edolphus Towns Maxine Waters , Melvin L. Watt , Frederica Wilson


The above names, from the Congressional Black Caucus comprise the New BlacKKK Panther Party’s legislative wing. Missing from that list is Allen West. West has been the ONLY Member of the Congressional Black Caucus to speak out stating, “To openly solicit for the death of an American citizen, with reward, is not in keeping with the laws of due process which governs this Constitutional Republic,” West wrote. “However, this is to be expected when irrational voices dominate our public dialogue and are fueled by an ideological driven media.”


Congressman West rose to the use of common sense to, “vehemently condemn” the actions of the Panthers and call those actions, “reprehensible.”


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