Friday, March 2, 2012

Ten Indications That Obama Is Scared


Do you believe this?

    Ten Indications That Obama Is Scared by Kevin Jackson over at American Thinker


    Obama is not the cool, calm, and collected guy that he portrays publicly; he's far from it. Obama is described privately as a thin-skinned hot-head when it comes to questioning his policies, or anything else, for that matter.


    Though there has been a slight shift upward in Obama's poll numbers, Obama knows the real temperature of the American people. Here are 10 indicators as to why Obama will have sleepless nights leading up to the election of 2012:

      1. Obama started African Americans for Obama. When blacks supposedly voted at 95 percent for Obama in the last election, one has to question his motives in starting this group. The answer is that Obama's poll numbers among blacks have fallen back to their lowest point, a clear sign that Obama is feeling the pressure. If Obama loses his street cred amongst blacks, he will likely be abandoned by other groups. Obama must have the "race" element in 2012, even though the black vote will be much less significant in 2012. By the way, how would the media have covered "White Americans for McCain?"

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