Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On March 6, 2012


  1. Holder says law gives ‘clear authority’ to kill US citizens overseas  fiery4

  2. IU Health Arnett offering maternal-fetal services locally

  3. The Fed- Oops, we're doing it again! d'oh

  4. Santorum Has No Credible Path to the Nomination. But

  5. Sibelius Spills the Beans

  6. Netanyahu's Canary

  7. Anti-Semitism on college campuses (VIDEO)

  8. Showdown- Sheriff Arpaio vs. the legend of Barry Soetoro as Barack Hussein Obama II

  9. Passing the Statue of Liberty

  10. Big Green Donors Betting Romney Will Flip-Flop on Global Warming If Elected

  11. Rush called Sandra Fluke the wrong name. He should have called her a 'drama queen'

  12. Chart of the Day- No Recovery for 99 percent of Americans

  13. Unbelievable- The Chevrolet Volt  has been named European Car of the Year d'oh

  14. McCain Finally Assails 'Game Change'

  15. Liberals Press Obama to Help Millions of Americans Pay Their Mortgages

  16. Obama Is More Vulnerable Than Republicans Think  sm-Dance2

  17. Poll- Wisconsin Voters Now Oppose Walker Recall By 11-Point Margin

  18. LulzSec Taken Out

  19. Tweet Of The Day

  20. Bonehead Of The Day

  21. ‘Size’ Of The Day

  22. Comment Of The Day

  23. Gold And Demagogues; Perfect Together

  24. Wind power- The scam of the century

  25. NZ-  ‘Radical forces plan to replace our Constitution’

  26. Perhaps they could make soap from the fat as well

  27. Bleak Despair

  28. The picture says it all

  29. Netanyahu Warns That Israel Cannot Wait Much Longer to Stop Iran

  30. Liberals and Occupiers Stand Against Republican Speech  fiery4

  31. Bachmann shows Santorum how not to take the liberal bait

  32. Netanyahu mentions gays in AIPAC speech

  33. Have Obama’s internals shown weakening support among women-

  34. Mitt Romney-  current favorite of right-of-center bloggers-

  35. On the merits of George Clooney’s Indifference

  36. Poll- Was the Fluke Fiasco a Set-up-

  37. Sandra Fluke’s Curious Activism and More Curious Recommendations

  38. Barbara Bush Thinks This Campaign Is The Worst Ever  d'oh

  39. Super Tuesday

  40. Daily Read – March 6

  41. Benjamin Netanyahu AIPAC Speech Transcript 3-5-12  sm-Dance2

  42. Spineless

  43. Democrats Back Obama’s Koran Burning Apology Over Republicans By 2-To-1 Margin…  d'oh

  44. “Green” Energy Firm Given $118.5 Million Taxpayer Loan From Obama Administration, Gives Executives $725K Bonuses, Promptly Goes Bankrupt…  fiery4

  45. PC Madness Run Amok- U.S. Department of Defense Unveils New Koran Sensitivity Training Program…  fiery4

  46. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Invokes Jeremiah Wright To Boost His Loyalty To Obama…

  47. When Holy Discontent becomes Holy Disgust

  48. Obligatory Super Tuesday Post...How bout you guys just don't have a President for the next 4 years

  49. Many Muslims Are Making Many Atheists

  50. Don’t Stop Daydream Believin’

  51. RoboFail- Globe still pushing lie that 31,000 Canadians Complained To Elections Canada

  52. Fields of Seed

  53. Yes, I Heard The Rumors

  54. Caption Contest Winners

  55. Hate Mail O’ The Week

  56. Farmer faces planting season with seeds of distrust- from

  57. Israel And Iran – Dancing With Armageddon ~ J O S H U A P U N D I T

  58. The Price of Freedom

  59. JW Sues U.S.A.F. for Records Detailing Costs of Michelle Obama’s August 2010 ‘Whirlwind’ Vacation to Spain

  60. Hustler founder Flynt offers $1M for sex dirt on senators

  61. MUST SEE VIDEO! Mitt Romney Explains the Individual Mandate in 2006

  62. Krauthammer- Israelis left to trust campaigner-in-chief

  63. The Unprecedented pResident


  65. Just for fun- Daddy… How was I born- laughthumb

  66. Obama outraged over Sarah Palin being called really, really bad names by the lefty media  fiery4

  67. Benjamin Netanyahu- A leader and a man

  68. President Obama’s Shocking Three Year Report Card- = F-

  69. I FIGHT!

  70. So nice to know the gubmint has its priorities straight

  71. Is Mark Shea the Rush Limbaugh of Catholicism-

  72. To be likable. It was the underlying subtext in most moral narratives

  73. Out



  76. Sandra  Fluke May Not Be A SL-T – But Is She A Liar-

  77. Obama Flip Flops Now He Wants Lower Gas Prices

  78. Laura Ingraham- Barabara Walters “Laughed It Off” When I Was Called a Slut (Video)

  79. Hooray!… Missouri House to Honor Rush Limbaugh With His Bust in Capitol Rotundasm-Dance2

  80. Israel Disappointed In Meeting With Obama; US Will Do Nothing Because Of Election Year

  81. Netanyahu Gives Obama an Ancient Persian Plot Against Jews

  82. Don’t Blame Me, I Voted for Meg (Whitman)

  83. Economic concerns fueling Obama campaign anxiety-

  84. BIG Problem  laughthumb

  85. “And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake.”

  86. Tim Tebow Las Vegas- Tebow Draws 20000 in Las Vegas Church  sm-Dance2

  87. I  want anyone who reads this to see what a bunch of slime the Left Wing really is  fiery4

  88. Driving The Friendly Skies  laughthumb

  89. Video- Atlanta Judge blasts a mother for allowing her children to be molested by her boyfriend   sm-Dance2

  90. Up To Twelve Now  fiery4

  91. Carbonite Messed With Rush and Investors Fired Back…Carbonite Stock Plummets sm-Dance2

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