Saturday, March 3, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On March 2, 2012


  1. Democrats Call for Boycott of Rush Limbaugh Over Birth Control Remarks

  2. Stunner. Georgetown “Coed” Sandra Fluke Is a 30 Year-Old Women’s Rights Activist

  3. Gingrich- Obama Favors Islam Over Christianity…

  4. Gongs, Cymbals, and Pharisees

  5. Do What Breitbart Did

  6. Andrew Breitbart, a quest for truth

  7. None Dare Call It…

  8. Republican man in New Mexico registers his dog to vote as a Democrat  d'oh

  9. Stupid- Frenchman caught peeing in front yard by Google Inc.'s Street View files  d'oh

  10. Occupy Tucson's Dumbest Fight Video 

  11. Sheriff Joe Arpaio Cold Case Posse- Obama's Birth certificate a Likely Fraud

  12. Krauthammer- Breitbart Pursued Truth With 'Utter Fearlessness' (Video)

  13. Breitbart 'Gave His All to Serve His Fellow Human Beings and This Country'

  14. Breitbart married new media with political principle

  15. Flashback Of The Day

  16. Tweet Of The Day  fiery4

  17. Breitbart Friend Reveals To Hannity- Obama Harvard Tapes Will Be Out ‘In A Week Or Two’

  18. Sebelius- Decrease in Human Beings Will Cover Cost of Contraception Mandate  fiery4

  19. RIP Andrew Breitbart

  20. Now it’s time for pitchforks and torches. And hemp rope

  21. The end of the Cathedral

  22. Light blue touch paper and stand well back

  23. Michael Savage Raises the Question- Was Breitbart Assassinated-

  24. “Go to Hell Barack” Ad Greets Commuters at Washington DC Metro Station

  25. Hot-And-Bothered Coed Who Demanded Free Birth Control From Congress Responds to Critics

  26. Three Homosexual Members Of Obama’s Reverend Wright Church: Killed Within 40 days Of Each Other.

  27. Obama, Vera Baker: Enquirer Uncorks Presidential Cheating Scandal

  28. Steve Bannon- We Are Going to Release the Breitbart ‘Obama Harvard Tapes’ in One Week To Ten Days (Video)

  29. Andrew Breitbart’s Last Hour…

  30. Will Democrats differentiate themselves from gale of hatred against Andrew Breitbart-

  31. Presidential contest as volatile as that for Republican nomination-

  32. Andrew Breitbart-  Better Friend to Gays than Barack Obama-

  33. Breitbart welcomed gays into conservative coalition

  34. Democrats trying to blackmail lobbyists into not donating to Republicans-

  35. Video Reminder of the Tea Party’s Fight – Video

  36. Even MORE Taxes-  d'oh

  37. Daily Read – March 2

  38. The Five and Rush Remember Andrew Breitbart

  39. Jada Williams

  40. Pond Scum   laughthumb

  41. Glen’s Reflection Of Andrew Breitbart

  42. Andrew Breitbart Talks About His Own Legacy Video- Profs at Tulane Know They Tried Brain Washing-They Know They Messed With The Wrong Man

  43. Obama on Koran Burning Apology- It…It…It…It…Calmed Things Down

  44. Vile- Daily Kossacks Trying to Get the Westboro Baptist Church to Protest Breitbartfiery4

  45. Ethicists Wonder, “Why Stop Killing Babies Just Because They’re Born-”  fiery4

  46.  Glibness isn't Intelligence, It's just GLIB

  47. birth certificate a 'forgery'

  48. Kim Clement- From the Small is Going to Come Something Massive

  49. We call the dogs who lose Americans. We are furious about the Korans  fiery4

  50. Muslims Have Hacked and Attacked “Bare Naked Islam” Again   fiery4

  51. Center for American Progress, group tied to Obama, under fire from Israel advocates

  52. Andrew Breitbart’s Legacy in Three Words- “Apologize for WHAT-”

  53. Surprises from the Father

  54. Will Barack Obama be on the Maricopa County Ballot in November-

  55. A Tree Grows In Florida

  56. Farewell And Adieu, To You Coins Of Spain

  57. The baptism with which he was baptized

  58. American Hostage in Africa

  59. In Memory of Andrew Breitbart- 1969 ~ 2012

  60. Two Texas Abortionists Ordered to Pay Thousands in Fines

  61. Abortion Clinic Hid Critical Information About Botched Abortions, New Evidence Show

  62. So Close to Right

  63. If we’re so sure to lose playing it safe, why not shoot for the moon-

  64. Man against the mob

  65. Andrew Breitbart

  66. Just in case you forgot who you're dealing with

  67. It's Friday

  68. Let this be the Beginning of the End for Liberal Socialism in America!

  69. Thoughts on Super Tuesday

  70. A Great American Hero Has Died

  71. Behind the scenes at the Obama White House

  72. What Happened at My Home Last Night

  73. George Will Gives Up on the White House, Urges GOP to Focus on House and Senate

  74. I don’t know if we’ll get anywhere with the executive branch

  75. The military accounts for 20 percent of our overall budget, but 50 percent of the savings have come out of defense

  76. An inquiry into the Palin obsession of the Hollywood elite

  77. Sandra Fluke’s Irrational Demand

  78. Time to Pick Up and Carry On

  79. -picking chin up off floor-

  80. Of No Concern

  81. A Prayer

  82. Carney- Obama Relationship with Netanyahu “Functional”

  83. Chris Christie Shut Your Mouth re- NYPD Terrorist Task Force

  84. Inviting Government Into the Bedroom

  85. My Prediction for the Secret Obama Tapes

  86. Welcome to My Nightmare- A Post-Comatose Democrat Awakens to the Obama Administration

  87. Watching Syria



  90. House Subcommittee Votes to Kill ObamaCare’s Death Panel

  91. Former Ariz. GOP congressman- Sheriff Arpaio ‘a major embarrassment to our state’

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