Friday, March 2, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On March 1, 2012


  1. Sheriff Joe's posse: 'Probable cause' Obama certificate a fraud

  2. U.S. Ambassador To Afghanistan Won’t Rule Out Legal Action Against Troops Who Burned Korans…


  4. The Hillary Follies

  5. Are We Simply Saying Goodbye To Our Country-

  6. Demos in Illinois move to place more restrictions on citizens' Second Amendment rights

  7. Obama's Plan to destroy the coal industry advances. GenOn to shut 7 U.S. Mid-Atlantic coal power

  8. Obvious- Bill Clinton Favors Laying Pipe (Video)

  9. Ted Nugent - Obama Is an ‘Anti-American Monster’ (audio)

  10. Follow up- United States Supreme Court case Kelo v. City of New London

  11. In Memoriam- Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)

  12. RIP Andrew

  13. R.I.P

  14. Now it’s time for pitchforks and torches. And hemp rope

  15. If babies, then why not toddlers-

  16. God Grant Every Western Nation Such A Pakistani

  17. Massive Protest outside the Russian Embassy in New York

  18. He charged into a hail of flying lead for us

  19. Senate Democrats Vote to Restrict Religious Freedom in America

  20. Drudge Report Remembers Andrew Breitbart With Special Tribute

  21. Far Left Celebrates Andrew Breitbart’s Death  fiery4

  22. Sarah Palin Releases Statement on Andrew Breitbart’s Passing  crying

  23. Tragic News- Conservative Hero Andrew Breitbart Is Dead

  24. Obama Kept Air Force One in the Air Extra Half Hour to Watch Knicks Game – Costing Taxpayers $90,000

  25. University of California-Davis Officials Do Nothing as Muslim Fanatics Disrupt Jewish Event (Video)  fiery4

  26. We Lost A Patriot. Andrew Breitbart RIP

  27. Fierce Conservative Andrew Breitbart Dead at 43

  28. So Now Bernanke Is Worried-

  29. SarahPAC’s “Game Change” Video Response

  30. Gingrich May Be Staging a Comeback

  31. Do We Really Need Tax Deductions For…

  32. Burn Them ALL!

  33. The REAL 1%

  34. A Voice Silenced

  35. The Sweet Land Of Liberty Is Gone

  36. Daily Read – March 1

  37. Still Waiting on Baby

  38. An All American Falls- Andrew Breitbart has Passed at 43

  39. ICE Offers Transgender Hormone Treatments, Abortions For Detained Illegals Under Obama’s New Guidelines

  40. Lib Radio Host- Bush Went To War In Iraq So He Could “Privatize Social Security For His Bankster

  41. Mooch “Frowns Through” State Dinner Honoring Iraq War Vets…

  42. Obama On Linsanity- “I Knew About Jeremy Before You Did”…

  43. Pelosi Feigns Outrage Over Rush Limbaugh’s “Vicious Attacks” On Her Political Prop…

  44. Shocker- Ron Paul Sides With Obama, Says Koran Burning Apology No Big Deal…

  45. Chuck D. Pierce- Roll Into Your Future and Ask for Wisdom

  46. So how much exactly can a Cat make-

  47. Spengler on Iran- It’s time to tell the snipers to take their best shot

  48. After Nasreen’s disappearance, the men threatened her father, Gul Amin, to bring her back so they could kill her”

  49. War Crimes and Punishment

  50. A Strong Heart!

  51. Warning to Romney Ads- ‘The Way You Judge, You Will be Judged’

  52. Christina Hendricks Goes Superhero

  53. Obama Rewards Gitmo Detainees

  54. HELLO WHITE HOUSE! THANKS FOR STOPPING BY! -- Complete Colorado Blog

  55. Andrew Breitbart- Champion of Freedom

  56. Joint House-Senate Western Caucus Hearing Exposes Environmental Fear Mongering, Destruction of Jobs

  57. Senate Amendment to Protect Faith-Based Institutions from Intrusive ObamaCare Regulations

  58. For Whom Does God Want Us To Vote-

  59. A personal note on the death of Andrew Breitbart

  60. Look Drudge’s gift horse in the mouth

  61. There’s no such thing as a free health care


  63. We Called it and the Liberals Left Has Delivered!

  64. Eligibility May be a Bigger Issue Than Romneycare

  65. Political cartoons of the day : 03/01/12 laughthumb

  66. Sheriff Arpaio Cold Case Posse Investigation Findings | 03/01/12

  67. Grumpy Michelle frowns through state dinner as Obama speaks to Iraq War veterans

  68. Andrew Breitbart

  69. The Lunacy of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democratic National Committee Chairman

  70. Andrew Breitbart- Bulldog for the Cause

  71. Tell Issa to Condemn Cummings

  72. The Politics of the Blunt Amendment

  73. To hate life, especially new life, is to hate God

  74. Back in the rut

  75. + Saint Dewi of Mynyw +

  76. Hey HBO! Put this in your pipe and smoke it!

  77. ...'not the end of his crusade, but its beginning'

  78. 'Thank God for his inspiration and leadership'

  79. Clueless Socialists Protest MacIver Institute

  80. Sheriff Joe Arpaio- Obama’s Birth Certificate Is a Forgery (Video)

  81. Conservative Hero Andrew Breitbart Remembered on Floor of Congress (Video)

  82. Obama Not A Citizen Thanks To His Own Mother

  83. One Of The Most Disrespectful, Over The Top Democratic Jerks In Congress Wants People To Be More Respectful To Obama

  84. Let A Warrior’s Life And Passing Lead Your Righteous Indignation

  85. Barack Obama- Replacing the Church With State

  86. NOT The Same God!

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