Thursday, March 1, 2012

Judge Says Ok To Beat Someone Attacking Islam


Judge Says Ok to Beat Someone Attacking Islam by Da Tagliare over at Godfather Politics


Last October, atheist Ernie Perce wore a zombie Muhammad costume to a Halloween event. Talaag Elbayomy, a Muslim, confronted Perce about his costume, told him it was offensive and then started to beat him. The attack was caught on video.


Elbayomy was arrested and charged with assault. At the trial, there was testimony presented by an officer who witnesses the attack along with the video. Judge Mark Martin, then dismissed the case against Elbayomy and lectured Perce about the sensitivities of the Muslim culture. In court, Martin told Perce,

“They are so immersed in it and what you’ve done is you’ve completely trashed their essence, their being. They find it very, very, very offensive. I’m a Muslim. I find it offensive.”

That’s right. Judge Martin, who served in Iraq, is a convert to Islam. His own personal Islamic beliefs definitely clouded his ability to interpret US and Pennsylvania law. His decision to throw out the case basically sends a message to all Muslims in Pennsylvania that they can physically attack anyone who offends their religion.


Read more: Judge Says Ok to Beat Someone Attacking Islam - Godfather Politics

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