Monday, March 5, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine Of The Day (3-4-2012)


  1. WaPo laces Obama-Netanyahu summit with anti-Israel poison pills

  2. Newspaper Ad Revenues Are Falling Over a Cliff

  3. Free Speech Attacked In Australia

  4. Levin to CNN, MSNBC, and other leftist media: You can go to hell

  5. CNN’s Malveaux Slimes Breitbart Hours After Passing

  6. SlutGate- Obama’s Manufactured Media Tactic

  7. BBC Chief Admits To Covering Muslims and Christians Differently

  8. FINALLY! Media is giving attention to Obama eligibility issue

  9. Media Matters and the Tale of Two Enemies Lists

  10. Has NYT criticized administration for gunrunning operation-









 ab washington post

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