Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hypocrisy, Sex And Set-Ups


Hypocrisy, Sex and Set-Ups by Daria DiGiovanni over at Canada Free Press


As a woman, I find Sandra Fluke’s testimony particularly distasteful — and not just because of the way she chooses to conduct her personal life. That is of course her business, but that doesn’t mean I can’t formulate an opinion about it, especially since Fluke had no problem (not to mention, shame) in divulging the most intimate details of her life in a public forum. If she chooses to sleep with every guy on the planet, it’s her prerogative to do so. But it’s entirely offensive that 1.) a woman who claims to be so “empowered” cannot take responsibility for managing the consequences of her own choices, and 2.) that this same woman expects taxpayers to fund her lifestyle when said taxpayers already fund Planned Parenthood (where Fluke can easily obtain birth control) to the tune of $500 million annually.


Naturally, none of this would be an issue had our political overlords in Washington D.C. not saddled us with the economy-and-healthcare destroying albatross known as Obamacare — whose latest dire consequence is an all-out assault on religious liberty. A planned set-up by Democrats, Fluke’s testimony and Rush Limbaugh’s poor choice of words seem to have overshadowed the heart of the matter. So now, instead of talking about the right of religious institutions to obey their conscience, the media narrative is contraception as a “women’s health issue” (never mind that the Pill is actually detrimental to a woman’s health), framed in such familiar lefty terms as an “attack” on women’s rights.


Where’s the “tolerance” and “sisterhood”, sister?


Should Rush Limbaugh have apologized? While I respect and understand his decision to do so, I want to know where all of the so-called feminists were when Sarah Palin and her daughters were at the receiving end of vile character assaults that went far beyond the use of the word “slut”. Why no outcry over T-shirts worn by Palin’s political opponents (who no doubt were completely ignorant of her actual record, but that’s beside the point) clearly stating, “Sarah Palin is a C_ _ _?”


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  1. Oh….Shut the Fluke Up! [Reader Post]

  2. ‘Fluke’-ing it for Obama

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  4. In Rush Vs. Fluke Fray, Insanity Prevails—As Usual!

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  6. Sandra  Fluke May Not Be A SL-T – But Is She A Liar-

  7. As I Said, Sandy Fluke Was A Tool

  8. Sandra Fluke’s Curious Activism and More Curious Recommendations

  9. Frosted Fluke

  10. Brought to you by the Ministry of Truth

  11. False Fronts- Obama Still Pretending Fluke is an Innocent Kid

  12. "Sex, I’m sorry to report, has consequences"

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