Friday, March 9, 2012

Fluke And Liberals' Bodyguard Of Lies


This is the last time I am putting an article or post up on Sandra Fluke. She has had her 15 minutes of fame. It needs to die (the publicity part). She doesn’t deserve the publicity for the wrongs she is doing.


Fluke and Liberals' Bodyguard of Lies by Tom Trinko over at American Thinker


Winston Churchill declared that in war, truth was so precious that it must always be accompanied by a bodyguard of lies. Because liberals are at war with American society and their true beliefs are repugnant to most Americans, liberals constantly conceal the truth of their beliefs with sweet-sounding lies.


Liberals constantly create a cloud of lies about their support for tolerance and diversity to conceal the absolutely intolerant core of their faith. Americans are informed that tolerance requires them to accept pornography, abortion, gay marriage, casual sex, and everything else that liberals happen to like. Strangely, however, liberals are not required to tolerate things they don't like, such as calling Christmas Christmas.


Fortunately, the strange case of Ms. Fluke has parted the veil of lies and revealed the heart of the liberal faith.


Sadly, Rush's calling Ms. Fluke a couple of names -- names far less offensive than used by liberals to describe Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Michelle Malkin, or Ann Coulter -- has diverted the conversation from Ms. Fluke's true evil.


Read more:     


Related Articles:

  1. Hypocrisy, Sex and Set-Ups

  2. In Rush Vs. Fluke Fray, Insanity Prevails—As Usual!

  3. Sandra Fluke…No Small Coincidence One Major Distraction

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