Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dear Rush- “Why I Canceled My Select Number Bed”


Gary DeMar stated in this post how I feel about this incident. I am however going to add I will not be doing business Proflower or Carbonite plus the other sponsors that left Rush. It seems to me if their not loyal enough to people they sponsor it shows me they wouldn’t be loyal o their customers.


Dear Rush- “Why I Canceled My Select Number Bed” by Gary DeMar over at Godfather Politics


Dear Rush:


I know you apologized for calling 30-year-old Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute.” The language was certainly over the top. I know what you were thinking. Sometimes people need to be hit over the head with a 2×4 before something sinks in.


Before the watching world Ms. Fluke told us that she was sleeping around. Promiscuity and sex before marriage were once considered social taboos. No one denied that people engaged in these types of sexual encounters, but such women were generally looked down upon. I can remember people saying, “It’s OK to have sex with these types of girls, but they’re not the ones you bring home to your parents and eventually marry.”


Like you, I have reminded people that the larger issue is not about contraception. I just read a Christian Science Monitor article that continues to perpetuate the lie that conservatives want to deny women contraceptives. We don’t. We just don’t want to have our money taken from us to pay for them. If Ms. Fluke wants to engage n promiscuous sex, then she should pay for it. I don’t want to be an unwilling accomplice to her immorality and stupidity.


I’ve gotten to the point in my life that I would be willing to pay for contraceptive devices for women like Ms. Fluke if they promise never to have children. The thought of them breeding is disturbing.


Read more: Dear Rush: “Why I Canceled My Select Number Bed” - Godfather Politics http://godfatherpolitics.com/4016/dear-rush-why-i-canceled-y-select-number-bed/#ixzz1oFduOC2j 


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