Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Where Are The Men Of America?


Doug Hagmann talks about needing to take a stand now.


Where are the men of America- by Doug Hagmann over at Canada Free Press

What will it take for Americans to understand how perilously close we are to permanently losing our country and way of life? Where are the real men and where is the real American spirit? As a patriotic American who believes in the rights bestowed from our Creator and enumerated by our Constitution and Bill of Rights, I am calling on all men to take a stand and hold our elected officials accountable for their direct assault on our Constitution or their complicity in the same.


If that makes me a “domestic extremist” by definition of “Big Sis” Janet Napolitano and the DHS, I enthusiastically embrace that description.


The consequences of not fulfilling our duties as men, as Americans, and as protectors of our families and country will be more severe than anyone appears able to comprehend. The parallels between Nazi Germany under Hitler to present day America are frighteningly real, yet few men in America appear to be concerned.


If we fail to take a stand now, what makes anyone think we will have that ability in the immediate future? If it is us who fail to act, what can we expect from a generation brainwashed by revisionist history and influenced by the progressive media?


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