Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What Obama Did to the Catholics- Romney Did It Too!


What Obama Did to the Catholics- Romney Did It Too! by Mark over at Mark America


As it now turns out, back in 2005 when Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts, he forced religious institutions including Catholic hospitals to dispense the so-called “morning after pill.” This is another bit of evidence as to how Mitt really isn’t a conservative, and how he really doesn’t care about religious liberties. I am exhausted with his posturing as a saintly man who abides his faith, but to put his stamp of approval on a law that deprives others of their recourse to conscience is a disgusting breach of the the Constitution. I don’t care to hear his pathetic states’ rights arguments, as they don’t apply in this situation, irrespective of his nonsense to the contrary. There’s something fundamentally wrong with a politician who thinks it’s his role to shove such provisions down our throats, irrespective of our wishes, and irrespective of the matters of conscience that collide in these issues. He’s only too happy to command you.


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