Sunday, February 19, 2012

What Makes A Blog A Christian Blog- Or A Sermon A Christian Sermon


What makes a blog a Christian blog- Or a sermon a Christian sermon- by Weekend Fisher over at Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength


I have been pondering for some time, "What makes a blog a Christian blog?" and a related question, "What makes a sermon a Christian sermon?" There are many blogs written by Christian laymen and women that I consider good Christian blogs -- and others written by pastors or theology professors that don't seem Christian. And of course vice versa, though that one is hardly a surprise. So the question had been on my mind.


I asked for the thoughts of long-time blog-neighbor Martin LaBar because he has written about similar subjects. He was kind enough to respond at length:


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Related Articles:

  1. What makes a blog Christian?

  2. Guidelines for this blog

  3. What makes a sermon Christian?

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