Sunday, February 5, 2012

What Does It Take for a Politician to be Excommunicated?


What Does It Take for a Politician to be Excommunicated- by Meep over at The Conservatory

Way back in olden times, talking back to the Pope could get a monarch excommunicated and his entire country placed under interdict. The Church has softened up since then. But they still do whip out excommunication on the ruling class from time to time.


For example, in the early 1960s, the archbishop of New Orleans ordered the parochial schools in his archdiocese to be desegregated. This did not sit well with several prominent Democratic politicians in the Big Easy, and they raised a big stink. Ultimately, they tried to pass mandatory segregation laws that would have applied to the parochial schools, in effect the state meddling with the Church’s business.


So Archbishop Rummel excommunicated the leaders, well after warning them of their errors. 


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