Saturday, February 4, 2012

Titanic 2.0- Why the Elite Can Vote for Lefties


Titanic 2.0- Why the Elite Can Vote for Lefties by Mark over at Mark America


Many of us wonder how it is that people who ought to have known better can possibly bring themselves to vote for the statists who are undermining the country. Much like when the Titanic went down one-hundred years ago this coming tax-day, the elite are boarding the life-boats ahead of all the rest of us second-class and cargo-hold passengers. Another of the rich and famous is making his plans for exit to New Zealand, as this time Hollywood director James Cameron is looking to get out of Dodge. This should clear up the seeming contradiction, and just as I have told you that the elite don’t fear Obamacare as you must, if you love your life, for the same reasons, these same people don’t fear the collapse of the United States. They’ll simply get themselves to the front of the line for the lifeboats, as America hits the last in a string of icebergs and heads to the bottom.


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