Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thomas Sowell On Romney, Conservatism, & The Minimum Wage Law


Thomas Sowell On Romney, Conservatism, & The Minimum Wage Law by GW over at Wolf Howling


My own view of Mitt Romney is that he is a person who has mastered the vocabulary of conservatism in as much as a native speaker of English might master, say Mandarin Chinese. Romney speaks the language of conservatism with perfect diction, but it is obvious that he is not a conservative by nature. I pointed that out in response to his statement that he is not concerned with the poor. Today, Thomas Sowell makes the same point in his latest IBD column, finding Romney's statement that he would index the minimum wage law to inflation to be "defining." This from Dr. Sowell:

. . . Romney's statement about not worrying about the poor — because they "have a very ample safety net" — was followed by a statement that was not just a slip of the tongue, and should be a defining moment in telling us about this man's qualifications as a conservative and, more important, as a potential president of the United States.

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