Saturday, February 18, 2012

Six Arrested for Praying at White House


This is ridiculous arresting people for praying outside. It shouldn’t of mattered if they stopped to pray either. The police were discriminating. fiery4 


Six Arrested for Praying at White House in Opposition to the Obama Mandate by Alan Sexton over at Green Mountain Scribes

Washington, DC – Six pro-life activists, including a Catholic Priest, were arrested Thursday outside the White House for kneeling in prayer in opposition to the Obama Administration’s mandate compelling groups of faith to provide insurance to employees that would cover abortion-causing drugs.


Led by Rev. Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition, a group of about thirty activists had gathered on the sidewalk outside the White House to pray and peacefully protest the immoral mandate. It is legal to demonstrate at that site as long as one continues to move. Once the six protesters knelt in prayer, they were arrested for disobeying a lawful order. They were released a short time later after they each paid a $100 fine. Rev. Mahoney was the first to be arrested.


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