Friday, February 10, 2012

Revenge of the Values Voters


Revenge of the Values Voters over at American Thinker

Not so fast, say social conservatives. You've ignored our issues long enough and now we're going to force the GOP to place our issues front and center.


The message sent last night couldn't be clearer; the "consensus" at the beginning of the campaign that the culture war, abortion, gay marriage, and other issues near and dear to the hearts of GOP values voters were to be shunted to the sidelines while economic issues ruled the campaign has been fractured by Rick Santorum's sweep last night.


True, Santorum got a big boost from Main Street conservatives, deficit hawks, and libertarians willing to vote for him because he is now being seen as the only alternative to Mitt Romney. But it would be a mistake to overlook the fact that of all the GOP candidates who announced for the presidency, it is Santorum who has unabashedly pushed the social con agenda and proudly stood up for their causes.


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