Saturday, February 18, 2012

Revenge Of The Snobs


Revenge of the Snobs by Daren Jonescu over at Canada Free Press


Since Rick Santorum began to look like a viable option for those Republican voters too rational to follow the Party brass down the moderate sinkhole yet again, certain prominent Establishment voices have made it their personal mission to undermine him at all costs. And by “at all costs,” I mean they are willing to pony up their credibility, their claims to basic logical skills, and their hard-earned pretense of representing the perspective of actual Republican voters, all in the name of doing something—anything—to stop the anti-Romney forces right now.


No one has been further out in front in this regard than the Washington Post’s “Right Turn” blogger, Jennifer Rubin. She has been on an impressive spree, sometimes churning out several posts a day in her effort to portray Santorum as a misogynistic crackpot who could not possibly defeat Barack Obama once people find out what a backwater weirdo he is.

By way of an example of Rubin’s methods, and of what the Republican Establishment really thinks of conservatives, I suggest looking at just one of her recent posts. I cannot say it is her most recent—by the time you read this, she will undoubtedly have produced twenty more on the same topic—but it is representative.


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