Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 20, 2012


  1. Senator Scott Brown Exposes NOAA’s Illicit $300,000 Party Boat (Video)

  2. ESPN punishes 2 for Lin comments

  3. 1906 earthquake survivor dies at age 109

  4. Progressives- Dedicated apostles of the “lowest common denominator

  5. A Most Dangerous Website Still Up and Running

  6. Guns

  7. Germany preparing for Greece to default on debt

  8. Israeli strike on Iran imminent according to former Netanyahu chief of staff

  9. Mitt's Done if He Loses Michigan

  10. Liberal Intolerance Of The Day

  11. Appeal of Georgia Eligibility Ruling

  12. Just brilliant!

  13. Chickens Coming Home

  14. Oh, FFS!  Grow up, NZ Herald

  15. Just how thick (and dishonest) are Maori “academics”-

  16. Australia’s greenie shadow PM is either a flat-out liar or a gibbering idiot. Or both

  17. Call their empty bluff

  18. LIARS!

  19. Enough said

  20. Muslim Youth Mob Stones Christians at Temple Mount (Video)

  21. A Week After His Conversion Sean “Ali” Stone Claims He’s a Victim of Islamophobia

  22. Former Shell CEO Blasts Obama- His Attempts to Increase Domestic Oil Production “Has Been Nil, Nada, Nothing”

  23. Report- Justice Ginsburg to Retire in 2015

  24. After Several Threatening Letters Arsonists Torch Catholic School in New Orleans

  25. Inventing (for political purposes-) a Republican War on Women

  26. Selective Outrage

  27. The Affordable Health Care is a misnomer-  An Example

  28. Preliminary thoughts on the Sheriff Babeu Hullabaloo

  29. It's time to turn our backs on what is destroying us

  30. When that old hard ground is being plowed up

  31. What Sarah Palin Said Is True- We Need a Hard-Nosed Fighter

  32. Tea Party Vs. Occupy Wall Street

  33. Memo to Jews- After They Come for the Catholic Church, They Will Come For Us

  34. Conference- Canada & The New Middle East

  35. Got Witches- Who ya gonna call-

  36. Islamophobia is the reverse of anti-semitism claims Hollywood genius Sean Stone

  37. Blog of the day- Mundo Sin Islam (World without Islam)

  38. burn the Koran in Spain 2012 Burn Quran in Spain

  39. Whitney Houston Was No Soldier

  40. And we're back... from a dinner with Paul Weston of the British Freedom Party

  41. Born To Sh&t In Public- Bruce Springsteen's New Album To Glorify Filth, Rapes, Drug Use Of Occupy Movement

  42. Left Hyperventilates Over Virginia Law Requiring Ultrasound Before Abortion- “It’s Rape”…

  43. Gallup- Top 5 Countries Americans View As Our Greatest Enemy All Islamic Or Communist…

  44. Palestinian Muslims Stone Christian Pilgrims On Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, Provoked By Leading Imam

  45. Poll- 53% Still Favor Repealing Obamacare, 50% Say It’s Likely…

  46. Lib Talker- “If You’re a Registered Republican Then You Are a Dinosaur Racist”…

  47. The Complete Citizens United “Occupy Exposed” Blogger Briefing at CPAC 2012 (Video)

  48. The Democrat’s Role in Black History, Part 1 (3 Graphics)

  49. Demonstrations Are Here!

  50. Snagged…

  51. A REAL Man Made Problem

  52. Still Waiting

  53. Destroying America

  54. Besmirching An American Hero

  55. Daily Read – February 20

  56. Obama Gestapo Arrests Group for Praying in Front of White House

  57. Ditz On A Ritz

  58. Where The Buffalo Roam

  59. If You Want Your Greece

  60. Nemesis-

  61. Farewell to a Warrior- Colonel William H. Dabney, USMC (Ret.) USNI Blog

  62. Lee Delivers Remarks on Obama’s Unconstitutional Appointments, Reid Threatens to En

  63. The long and whining road

  64. In memory of blogger Gina Cobb

  65. Idioms need not apply

  66. What is wrong with this picture-

  67. Not so happily-ever-aftering

  68. We WERE Exceptional…50 Years Ago Today…

  69. Santorum Day on Drudge-

  70. Limbaugh- Establishment Republicans Scared to Death

  71. More on sex, morals, and the culture war against social conservatives

  72. Separating social issues from economics is just plain stupid

  73. Now with full archives!

  74. Animal fat prohibited in Jewish dietary laws

  75. The long wait is over

  76. Liberal Terrorism from the President on Down to Media Matters

  77. Hmm, well, let's try that again

  78. New SarahPac Video “Chords of Memory”

  79. ESPN Should Have Made Fun of Jeremy Lin's Christianity

  80. The Whitney Houston Funeral was Filled with Stuff That Could Never Be Said at a Democrat Convent

  81. Romney Fan Flashes Anger at Your Host

  82. Reports from the Culture War Front

  83. Watch Out for the Return of Newt

  84. Our Money Pays For Their Good Times

  85. Law of the Garbage Truck

  86. Doug Addison- The Season for the Reason We Were Created

  87. Glenn Beck- Why We Are All Catholics Now

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