Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 14, 2012


  1. Military Chaplains to be Charged with Sedition and Treason for Preaching Against Sin

  2. How to Become a Delegate to the Republican National Convention from Your State

  3. ‘Mob Museum’ Opens, Taxpayers Robbed of $42 Million

  4. Thanks to Conservative 'Issues,' Obama Now Holds All The Cards

  5. What motivated Obama's HHS mandate-

  6. Liberals Forced to Bare Their Teeth

  7. The Global Warming Hoax is Now Killing People

  8. White House Spin Machine Hits Brick Wall

  9. Here come the Truth Teams

  10. Obama- Not raising taxes is spending or something

  11. Jay Carney- Obama didn't break deficit reduction promise, he was just clueless

  12. ACORN-linked group raising funds for California 'Occupy' protest

  13. CPAC Protesters Once Again Prove How Overplayed ‘Racism!’ Charges Have Become

  14. Justice

  15. Good grief!  This is Obama’s clown…

  16. Quote of the day

  17. Can you believe that actually they played this on the Radio-

  18. The age of Profanities

  19. Thanks Barack… Record Unemployment Rate Is Forcing Growth of Tent Cities

  20. Obama budget — a step in precisely the wrong direction

  21. Opposition to liberal policies based on racism and bigotry-

  22. At least one news outlet is reporting Obama’s broken promises

  23. Hillary Inconsistency- Need Syrian Consent for Troops – Why Different From Libya-

  24. 1.8 million dead people registered to vote...Is that just Chicago-

  25. New Libya Delegate To UN- Gays Threaten “Human Race”…

  26. California Dems Praise Occupy Movement During Convention – Occupiers Protest Dems Outside Convention

  27. Mass Family Sues School District Demanding “Under God” Be Removed From Pledge of Allegiance…

  28. The Tabernacle of David

  29. Video proof that Libya's freedom fighters have turned into brutal torturers

  30. Judge Napolitano will go on - Fox News Video - Fox News

  31. Wisdom

  32. Chicago Daily Observer » Blog Archive » Obama Attempts to Revive Culture War to Distract from Slu

  33. Assaulting The Constitution

  34. Daily Read – February 14

  35. Daily Read – February 13

  36. Betrayed

  37. Killer Kitteh

  38. Update From The Homefront

  39. Romney Faked Pro-Abortion Position- Maybe Not- Romney Voted for Tsongas Global Population Control

  40. Rule 5 – Late Better Than Never- Kate Upton Esquire Photo Shoot – Adele

  41. A Majority of Catholics Got What They Voted For

  42. Romney Compares Obama to Himself

  43. Start Yer Engines!

  44. SEIU and Hospital Officials Hit With Federal Charges for Rigging Union Card Check ‘

  45. Thanks For The H/T

  46. Providence begs for mercy, probably won’t get it

  47. Rejection

  48. Can you say …

  49. Hang in there Newt

  50. It was a silly job, but someone had to attack Obama’s #TruthTeam

  51. Mooches Smooches, Valentine's Day Love Videos

  52. Are we living in the garden of beasts-

  53. Happy Valentine's Day

  54. Candy hearts for liberals

  55. A poem for Valentine’s Day

  56. The Democrats’ Hedge Fund Shakedown

  57. Obama Donor Green Deal Waits for Bailout

  58. Obama’s Fundamental Transformation of America- The POST AMERICAN WORLD

  59. Fast and Furious- Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu Says Holder Has Perjured Himself

  60. Judicial Watch Announces- The 2012 Election Integrity Project

  61. Boneheads Of The Day

  62. ATF Official Links Fast and Furious To Obama Gun Control Plan

  63. Nice Work, Barack… 59% of Catholics Disapprove of Obama’s Performance

  64. It’s Come to This… EPA Now Says Building Sandcastles Is Hazardous to Your Health

  65. Allen West Reveals Truth Nobody Else Will Discuss

  66. Oliver Stone's Son Just As Crazy As His Father!

  67. Happy Valentines Day Jason Kenney! Islamofascist Palestine House Defunded!

  68. Democrats are Running for Reelection on Unmasked Socialism

  69. No Welcome Mat For Criminal Invaders

  70. Political cartoons of the day : 02/14/12

  71. Police Round Up #Occupy Squatters Who Tried to Take Advantage of Elderly Couple

  72. Obama Chief Of Staff- Catholics Can Give It Up, We Have Spoken


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