Saturday, February 4, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 3, 2012


  1. ‘A Real Democratic State’: Justice Ginsburg Praises the Arab Spring During Visits to Egypt & Tunisia

  2. From Washington With Love? How Hillary Clinton is styling herself like a Bond villain

  3. Two Bad Days for the GOP

  4. Roseanne Barr running for President on Green Party ticket

  5. TV Station Finds Massive Voter Fraud By Illegals

  6. Fail- Citibank sends 1099 to people for frequent flyer miles received after opening account

  7. B&R- Ten Years Ago Today

  8. Romney is the road to defeat for conservatives

  9. Army brass

  10. Funny, that…

  11. Personal Crisis

  12. But, will it ever happen-

  13. The English clergy are revolting

  14. US Unemployment Rate at 8.3% in January – 12.8 Million Remain Unemployed – Worst Recovery on Record

  15. Planned Parenthood Launches Ad Campaign to Defend Obama’s Attack on Catholics (Video)

  16. Guess this means Democrats don’t want to cut spending

  17. The Shark…..Jumps The Shark

  18. Dogs Against Romney Unite!

  19. New York Times Loses $40 Million

  20. New Gingrich Ad Goes Viral

  21. Mitt Romney Is Anti-Capitalist

  22. Barack Obama- Foisting Individual Imperatives Upon the State

  23. Michael Ross- Welcome to the University of Victoria, a.k.a. Che Guevara U

  24. GOP Rep. Phil Gingrey Walked Out On Obama’s National Prayer Breakfast Speech, “Offended By His Use of Prayer And Reflection For Partisan Politics And Class Warfare”…

  25. Holder Berates Puerto Rican Congressman During Fast And Furious Hearing- “Maybe This Is The Way You Do Things In Idaho Or Wherever You Are From”…

  26. Prayer request

  27. Attn. Business Insider-  Guns Save Lives.  Abortions-  Not So Much…

  28. I Guess Endorsements DO Matter (Comic)

  29. In Twist, Trump Endorses Romney, Leaving Me Still Wondering, “Who Cares-”

  30. Strong Shepherds Among You  [Friday, February 3, 2012]

  31. Blacklisting The Truth

  32. Funding Slaughter

  33. Obama Says Jesus Would Support Taxing the Rich

  34. Obama wins the coveted Snooki endorsement

  35. Worker Advocate Launches Legal Task Force to Protect Indiana Right to Work Freedom

  36. Work in progress

  37. Drop out nation

  38. Romney continues to push myth that he didn’t attack in S.C

  39. What Trump's Romney endorsement really means


  41. Friday Fume

  42. Media Silence on Obama Eligibility Raises Questions

  43. Congressman Declares Holder Must Resign or be Impeached

  44. On Mitt Romney, conservatism & class

  45. Know Your Ruling Class | Debbie Wasserman Schultz


  47. Hollywood Stars Shovel Cash Into Obama’s Campaign War Chest…

  48. The “Susan G. Komen for the Cure” Flip-Flop Flap


  50. Super Bowl 2012!

  51. (Video) Self-delusion and hypocrisy- the Left’s unearned sense of moral superiority

  52.  (Video) The Grand Jihad

  53. Citizens Shocked To Find Students in Government Schools Taught Communism is Better

  54. Islamification of London-

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