Friday, February 3, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 2, 2012


  1. Hollywood Urges Obama to Pardon Killer

  2. Groundhog makes a prediction

  3. Image of the Day- Electoral Map of States Where Obama Had a Net Positive Approval Rating in 2011

  4. Sad- Ann Coulter Outs Herself as a Full Sith RINO

  5. Rasmussen finds new low in number of Democrats

  6. Horrifying Visual Of The Day

  7. ‘Loosers’ Of The Day

  8. R.I.P

  9. “We have no rights as such are properly understood”

  10. This woman is an idiot

  11. Letting the enemy set the terms-

  12. It’s time to draw the battle-lines

  13. Music that comes from deep in the soul

  14. Is there any point to this-

  15. It's culture stupid

  16. Arab Spring… 74 People Die in Egyptian Soccer Riots, 1,000 Injured

  17. Ann Coulter Jumps Shark… Praises Romneycare After Trashing It in October (Video)

  18. Mark Levin’s rebuttal of Ann Coulter’s “Three Cheers for RomneyCare” article

  19. Has the GOP left me-

  20. Rep. Jim Moran (D)- Rep. Allen West ‘Not Representative Of African-American Community’

  21. What do Democrats have against workers deciding for themselves-

  22. Is On the Waterfront the only movie

  23. First, They Came for the Catholics

  24. Spare The Rod & Spoil The Islam

  25. Launches Campaign Targeting Susan G. Komen For Defunding Planned Parenthood…

  26. US Missionary Couple Found Dead in Mexico

  27. Now Why Would Coal Mines Be Laying People Off-

  28. God's Work Revived  [Thursday, February 2, 2012]

  29. Daily Read – February 2

  30. Uncle Ted’s Take On The Candidates

  31. Obama To Catholics- Drop Dead

  32. ICC Redux; Let’s Kill the Railroads

  33. Former CIA Chief Hayden Bathing In Schadenfreude Over AG Holder

  34. Sen. Rand Paul Joins Lawsuit Against President Obama’s Recess Appointments

  35. So tell me about Ted Cruz

  36. The only thing Ann Coulter loves more than Chris Christie is … Romneycare

  37. Bribery, compromised officials leave indicted financial-crime suspects free from prosecution under Holder’s DOJ

  38. Senators Forcing You to Fund Planned Parenthood

  39. Great… Now Libs Want to Regulate Sugar Like a Toxin

  40. Blood Bath Expected on Capitol Hill- Preview of Eric Holder Under Oath

  41. Governor Palin on The Factor – Video

  42. God’s Rules, or Man’s-

  43. OUR Money, Their Agenda

  44. Occupy Oakland Announces New “Fuck The Police” Protest… 

  45. White House Agenda- Checking Off ObamaCare's To-Do List

  46. Rush Limbaugh Exposes the Elephant in the Closet

  47. Allen West- 'The Days of Conservatives Being Punching Bags Are Over'

  48. Hamas Welcomes Ban Ki Moon to Gaza… By Chucking Rocks and Shoes at His Convoy

  49. Taliban planning to take over Afghanistan when U.S. Leaves-

  50. Donald Trump’s Endorsement- Does It Matter To You- Poll

  51. Back Button Woes (but only in Internet Explorer)

  52. AG Eric Holder- “Perhaps I Deserve Some Credit” for Fast and Furious (Video)

  53. Since when do conservative Republicans want to hang gay people-

  54. Are We Stupid Enough to Reelect Obama-

  55. Holder Hearings- Rep. Buerkle to Holder, ‘How Many More Border Patrol Agents Would Have Had to Die foe You To Take Responsibility

  56. Holder Hearings, Opening Salvo- Issa Goes for the Jugular, Democrats Attempt Smoke Screen for Holder

  57. It’s About Bloomin’ Time!

  58. Holder’s Crime Syndicate

  59. Mark Levin Ann Coulter RomneyCare- Coulter Making Same Arguments Obama Makes in Court

  60. Conservative Endorsements- US House and Senate

  61. FOX29- Asking The “Tough” Questions

  62. Mourdock shows he does not trust voters

  63. Deal-Maker Endorses Deal-Maker – Conservatives Yawn

  64. Richard Lugar doesn’t live here anymore

  65. Pew Poll- Jewish Voters Flocking To GOP Since 2008 Elections, 16-Point Net Move Away From Democrats

  66. It's Insane For Conservatives To Back Romney In The General Election

  67. Bob “Who Are You-” Etheridge to run for NC governor

  68. Society Just Dodged A Big, Stupid Bullet

  69. Hollywood Moonbat Roseanne Barr To Run For President On Green Party Ticket, Invokes Occupy Wall Street

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