Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Meatheads Of The Day (2-7-2012)


1)  This woman (Senator Barbara Boxer) is a meathead plain and simple.  How can she say with a serious face that Planned Parenthood is like the YMCA. YMCA is not a place one goes to to abort a baby like Planned Parenthood. YMCA is one place a person can go to exercise and join groups to learn things. Geez, this woman really needs to get a clue or go to one of those funny farms.


  1. Lefty Sen. Barbara Boxer- Planned Parenthood Is Like The YMCA…

  2. Republicans Are McCarthyites, Planned Parenthood Like YMCA

2)  It is amazing how many people the funny farm is letting out or is not letting one get admitted in like Representative Shelia Jackson Lee. How can this woman say with a straight face they travelled the world to find her birth certificate and her mother was born in Florida. Hello! Maybe she should went to Florida to get.


  1. Sheila Jackson Lee On Why There Shouldn’t Be Voter ID Laws- “We Travelled Half Way Around The World and Couldn’t Get A Copy of My Mother’s Birth Certificate”…

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