Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Meatheads Of The Day (2-20-2012)


1)  Representative Mike Honda is saying stuff just be saying stuff. About Japanese Internment Camps, FDR (Democrat) okayed those camps and Japanese-Americans put in them. It wasn’t a Republican. Nobody has put Muslims in one of those camps unless they are Terrorist. It has nothing to do with nothing except Muslims are treated with kid gloves.  fiery4



  1. Dem Rep. Mike Honda Compares WWII Japanese Internment Camps To Treatment of Muslims…

2)  Al Sharpton sure knows how to royally stick his foot in his mouth. There is no getting over this disorder of his. It makes him look like a meathead.  liar


  1. Al Sharpton and Elijah Cummings Lie About Fast and Furious

  2. Sharpton Jumps ‘Linsanity’ Shark with ’Lin Forward’ MSNBC Ad

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