Thursday, February 9, 2012

Meathead Of The Day (2-8-2012)


1)  Good old Senator Harry Reid made the meathead list again. This time he claims he claims Republicans want to put “Arsenic and Mercury in the water”. It makes one wonder he trying start a conspiracy theory.   stupidani-dy


  1. Dingy Harry Reid Claims Republicans Want To Put “Arsenic and Mercury In The Water”…

2)  Representative Sheila Jackson Lee sure knows spit out rhetoric. No surprise coming from the Congresswoman who is exempt from the invasive procedures the rest of us have to go through just to take a flight. i-dont-know


  1. Sheila Jackson Lee: Privatizing Airport Security Means Another 9/11

3)  Secretary Of Energy Steven Chu defends his failed “energy” loan program. He lost taxpayers money on those deals and this person has the nerve to defend the loan program. Maybe, he would of thought differently if it was his money.i-dont-know


  1. Doubling Down On Stupidity- Obama Energy Secretary Defends Failed “Green” Energy Loan Program…

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