Monday, February 6, 2012

Make Way for ‘Saint Obama the Pious’


Make Way for ‘Saint Obama the Pious’ by Judi McLeod over at Canada Free Press

Launched to an unsuspecting world from stage prop Greek columns in the summer of 2008 as The Messiah who could walk on water, Barack Obama revealed today all he has since done is for Jesus.


All that was missing at the National Prayer Breakfast, when he claimed that guidance for what he is doing to the Free World comes from above, were the Gregorian chants.


The Marxist misery he’s foisting on the Free World with his job-killing and spirit-killing policies don’t come from Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky, because, according to a freshly minted pious Obama, it is all for Him.


Some of the true believers at this morning’s prayer breakfast must have all but fallen off their chairs when they heard the new Sermon from the Mount from a politician who has admitted he gets his prayer reminders via his Blackberry.


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