Sunday, February 19, 2012

I’d Climb the Highest Mountain


I love reading about old movies and nostalgia.  laughthumb  It takes my mind off politicians fighting with each other. fight11


I’d Climb the Highest Mountain by Calvin E. Johnson Jr. over at Canada Free Press


When did you first see the movie ‘I’d Climb the Highest Mountain?’


Cleveland, Georgia is home to the Old Stovall Covered Bridge that spans Chickamauga Creek. This 1890s structure appeared in the movie I’d Climb the Highest Mountain.


This wonderful movie was made during the 1950s, when families spent quality time at the movies where Coca Cola was a nickel, hot buttered popcorn a quarter, and for a mere quarter you might see a double-feature film, cartoon and newsreel. Parents did not worry about the sexual, bad language or graphic scenes of the early films because most were family friendly.


All About Eve starring Bette Davis won the Academy Award for best picture in 1950 and…


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