Saturday, February 18, 2012

I Was Surprised To See This On Black And Right


The reason why I was surprised to see this on Black And Right. You don’t hear about Jefferson High School in Lafayette, IN, unless you live in Lafayette or Indiana. (Jeff has won a few state basketball championships, the reason I put Indiana).


Was I surprised by what happened in the video,?No! I went to high school at Jefferson. Yeap, this same one. I graduated from Jeff In 1976. Before i graduated Jeff was starting to have security patrol the school on the outside, due to vandalism from another high school. Things get pretty stupid around basketball tourney time. There were fights between students here and there. Sometimes a student did cuss a teacher out. (Jefferson isn’t a inner city school thing like in New York City.) So I wasn’t too surprised about assault.

Video via Black And Right. The post this video came is: Video Of The Day

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