Saturday, February 18, 2012

How to Stop Barack Obama


How to Stop Barack Obama by Mark over at Mark America


obama-red1 We are under constant attack by Barack Obama’s administration. He is rapidly converting the United States into a vulnerable, weak nation that cannot defend itself against external threats, but polices its own people with an iron fist. Evidence of this thesis comes from all quarters, and conservatives are placing all their hopes in the coming presidential election. The thinking is that if only we can get the right candidate, and if only we can nominate and elect that candidate, once in office, that person will change everything. Ladies and gentlemen, if you believe it will be so simple, you’re sadly mistaken. This isn’t going to be easy, and it’s not going to happen without pain, but if you want to defeat Barack Obama, you will need to learn one word, and make it stick for all times, irrespective of the cost. You must learn to say “no.”


The Obama radicals intend to overturn 230 years of liberty. They now inspect brown-bag lunches brought to school by small children, making sure the meal complies with the Department of Health and Human Services(or Michelle Obama.) There is only one way to defeat such a thing, and parents in the country need to find some ‘intestinal fortitude’ and take ownership over the lives of their children, as should have been the case all along. Say “No.” Don’t send your kids to these schools. Organize sick-outs. Organize whatever is needed. All you need to do to stop this is to refuse to comply with it. Refuse.


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