Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hitler Would Have Loved the Obama Administration


Hitler Would Have Loved the Obama Administration by Gary DeMar over at Godfather Politics

I just got back from speaking at a Christian Worldview conference. I addressed the issue of Christian activism and the excuses Christians use for not getting involved. While the conference was going on, news was coming out that the church may have awakened from its slumber:


Catholic leaders . . . [threatened] to challenge the Obama administration over a provision of the new health care law that would require all employers, including religious institutions, to pay for birth control. . . . Catholic leaders are furious and determined to harness the voting power of the nation’s 70 million Catholic voters to stop a provision of President Barack Obama’s new heath care reform bill that will force Catholic schools, hospitals and charities to buy birth control pills, abortion-producing drugs and sterilization coverage for their employees.


If religious institutions give into this, they won’t be able to stop this administration or future administrations silencing and neutralizing the church.


Read more: Hitler Would Have Loved the Obama Administration

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