Saturday, February 4, 2012

Fighting Liberal Professors


Fighting Liberal Professors – Time to Go Back to School by Mark over at Mark America

We all know how useless many of our public schools have become, but have you examined the things that are now delivered as “education” in our publicly-funded universities? You might believe the worst of had been confined to the elite schools of the Northeast, but in fact, leftists have taken over nearly all the country’s universities and colleges, from the large bustling campuses to the tiny community colleges in middle America. My adult daughter attends a community college, as she works to finish her degree, but the problem is that even in our small town, the liberals are running the community college. In a history class this week, she was taught that capitalism is bad, that unions are good, and that socialism is good for workers, and all of this in the context of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Too many paying adults throw their money too casually to the institutions of “higher learning” in which their children are propagandized in the destruction of their own beliefs.


My daughter prides herself on the fact that she confronts these sorts of things. A few semesters ago, she got herself into some trouble for contesting another history professor’s malevolently biased portrayal of historical events, and worst of all, doing so in the classroom setting. The professor, unaccustomed to being challenged by students, was dumbfounded and became angry in typical leftist fashion. It resulted in a bit of an issue that wound up before the Dean and ultimately led to a withdrawal from the class and a refund of tuition for it. These thuggish professors continue to shove their left-wing views down our kids’ throats, and almost nobody is there who can or will challenge them. When somebody does challenge them, they bully, cajole, and mock, and hope to swing the class to their support, essentially hoping to shut down any dissent or questioning that may go on.


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