Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Down a Dark Alley


Down a Dark Alley by Michael Oberndorf over at Canada Free Press 

There is a serious flaw in the Constitution. It contains no recourse for We, the Governed, in case the entire government becomes unresponsive to our wishes, and consistently acts without our consent. This is the situation we are faced with, today.


For example, ObamaCare has from the beginning been opposed by a significant majority of Americans, including many liberals. Indeed, a major, often proclaimed promise of Republicans during the 2010 election was to repeal this economy-and-freedom-destroying, Constitution-shredding abomination. We, the Governed, are still waiting for them to act. These turncoats, led by Sellout-in-Chief, John Boehner (R-OH), refused even to defund it.


One immediate result of this has been the current outrageous use of ObamaCare to attack Christians in general, and Catholics in particular. Clearly, this has been part of the plan behind this “law” from the outset. In fact, every part of ObamaCare is designed to take away Constitutional freedoms and replace them with Maoist-style restrictions, and big, authoritarian government. The bill never was about healthcare. We, the Governed, know this, but apparently no one on Capitol Hill gives a flying hoo-hah. 


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